About Us

NuStep Store is devoted to helping you get back into shape. We sell all things NuStep, a brand dedicated to serving those with limited mobility, those recovering from a cardiac event, or those just wanting to safely get back in shape. 

Our key product is the recumbent cross-trainer, a full-body, low-impact exercise machine which allows the user to sit comfortably in a reclined position while getting a great workout. NuStep recumbent cross-trainers are used in physical therapy offices across the world because they are tried and trusted by doctors and medical professionals. They are durable, safe, and trustworthy, and a great option for people of all ages, sizes, and capabilities.

We are a small company with a big impact. Our customer service team members are friendly and very educated in all things NuStep. They can help you in whatever ways possible when selecting a NuStep or NuStep accessory and answer any questions you may have.


We hope you enjoy shopping on NuStepStore.com! Please contact us with any questions you may have while you're here.